A couple of weeks ago I received an email from Fernando asking if I was interested in photographing their little family together. I had taken Fernando and Christina’s engagement pictures back on April 24th, 2010 and I was thrilled to be asked to document their newest edition, Benjamin. He is just 10 weeks old and a very cute little guy. The love his parents show him is a joy to see and really makes me feel great about my job. Here are their pictures.
by admin
David Jenkins - Lovely work Paul, so tender!
ed peers - Beautiful work Paul.
Ross Harvey - Lovely stuff Paul!
Nick - great work Paul. lovely session!
Ryan Brenizer - I love how much their sense of pride jumps out of the photos.
Sara - Awww this is so cute! Well done!
tim - Lovely work Paul. Really like the ‘at home’ shots.
Natalie - So incredibly precious!
Mike Swiegot - Nice work dude!!!!! 🙂